Effective braking is one of the key skills necessary to master if you want to safely operate your motorcycle. Being able to stop effectively is very important. Here at Honda of North Carolina, we want all of our customers to ride safely. That’s why our experts have created this guide to effective motorcycle braking.

Front Vs. Rear Brakes

Motorcycles have two braking systems: one for the front wheel and one for the back wheel. The front wheel brake is much more powerful than the rear brake and does most of the work of stopping the vehicle. The rear brake is mostly there to provide stability. That’s why you should squeeze the front brake harder than the rear break, especially in an emergency situation in which you need to stop as quickly as possible.

Dealing With Lockup

If you over apply either of your motorcycle’s brakes, there’s a danger that your brakes will lock up, especially if you don’t have anti-lock brakes. If you’re riding your motorcycle and you realize that your brakes have locked up, remain calm and try to steady yourself. If your motorcycle is going sideways, steer into the skid until you straighten out. Once you’re back in control, release whichever brake has locked up. 

Use Your Clutch

You can make your motorcycle decelerate much faster by using your clutch to shift to a lower gear instead of just using the brakes. Just keep in mind that applying the clutch won’t activate your brake lights, so you should also be using your brakes so that other motorists know what you’re doing. 

Practice Emergency Braking

Most emergency situations leave you with only seconds to react, and it’s easy to panic and forget what you’re supposed to do in these kinds of situations. That’s why we recommend that you find a quiet, secluded area like an empty parking lot and practice a few emergency crying techniques. 

Unusual Road Conditions

Sometimes, you’ll encounter unusual road conditions or situations that will force you to change your motorcycle braking strategy. For example, roads that are slick with precipitation can force you to increase your following distance and start braking sooner than normal. Stopping on a slope is another situation that gives many motorcycle riders trouble. The best way to deal with things is usually to hold down your brakes and plant your feet on the ground to prevent your tires from slipping. 

Shop motorcycles at Honda of North Carolina. Visit us online or at our dealership in Granite Falls, North Carolina. We’re proud to serve communities like Hickory and Newton, North Carolina. We hope to see you soon!